let me give you an update in my cycle, for the past few months I religiously checking my cervix, its postion, its firmness, and its opening.
Important natural signs of fertility that are used in many different methods of NFP are the changes in the characteristics of cervical mucus and the resulting vulvar sensations. Cervical mucus changes its characteristics during the menstrual cycle and can provide the woman observer information about the beginning, peak, and end of the fertile phase.
Cervical mucus changes are a result of the developing egg and follicle in the ovary. When a follicle (with the egg inside) starts to grow early in the menstrual cycle, it begins to produce estrogen. Estrogen stimulates the cervix to produce mucus. Beginning cervical mucus is thick, sticky, and holds its shape. The opening of the cervix at this time also begins to soften and widen. As the follicle grows and ripens more estrogen is produced, and the cervical mucus changes to a cloudy, thinner, and a slightly stretchy type mucus. Fertility is high at this time. Right before ovulation, the follicle is at its largest and produces the most estrogen, cervical mucus at this time is very clear, stretchy, watery, and slippery (like egg white). The cervix is also very soft, and the opening widens. Cervical mucus pours out from the cervical opening. The woman is at the peak of her fertility at this time.
After ovulation, when the egg is released from the follicle, the follicle changes into a structure called the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum produces the female hormone progesterone. Progesterone heats up the woman’s body about 0.4 to 0.8 degrees, causes the cervical mucus to dry up and the cervix to close and tighten. The cervical mucus again becomes very thick, cloudy, and forms a plug at the opening of the cervix. When this happens fertility is again at a low level.
A woman who observes her mucus on a daily basis will be able to observe these changes and know that the beginning of her fertility occurs when mucus is first felt or seen. Her fertility is high when the mucus becomes slightly stretchy and thinner. The peak of her fertility occurs when the mucus is very clear, stretchy, and slippery. The end of her fertility begins three full days after the last day she observes peak type mucus. She will only know the Peak day of cervical mucus retrospectively.
after 2 cycle of being active in trying to conceive, I closely monitor my cervical mucus in my entire cycle. However, I read in some article that clomid can affect the consistency of your mucus.
I remember there are some cycles before that I notice having an eggwhite like cervical mucus, the first one is during my 18th year, the second one is year 2011 maybe. That time I didn't know about this cervical mucus, and everytime I saw that kind of consistency I became worried that I think I am infected. (i am not sexually active that time though.)
today is my cycle day 25, this afternoon after I took a bath, I checked my cervical mucus and I found an eggwhite like cervical mucus mix with cloudy mucus, I was surprised because I am looking for it every cycle and this is rare to me, since I came to know about cervical mucus, this is the first time I saw that consistency. Awhile ago, I took my late night warm shower, I checked my cervical mucus and i found exactly like an eggwhite cervical mucus, it was clear, stretchy, hard to break. I'd like to take some photo of it and post it here but I came to realize that some women are not comfortable with it and I am not comfortable in showing my own cervical mucus as well, so i changed my mind.
but i'd like to show you some image of an eggwhite like cervical mucus.
I got this image in google. |
mine is more abundant than the image above. For more information you may want to read this article about cervix and cervical mucus changes in one's cycle. This is a MUST READ.
that's all for now ladies.
till my next post.
khassy :)
Labels: cervical mucus, cervix, cycle monitoring, eggwhite cervical mucus consistency, fertility, infertility, ovulation prediction