Basal body temperature
Your basal body temperature (BBT) is your lowest body temperature in a 24-hour period. The best time to take it is when you first wake up in the morning. Before you even get out of bed to brush your teeth or start your day, pop a basal thermometer into your mouth. (This kind of thermometer shows the very tiny degree changes that a regular one can't.) It's important to try to wake up and take this reading at about the same time each morning.
Basal thermometers are available at most drugstores and usually come with a chart for recording your temperature each day so that you can start to see your body's patterns. We have a blank chart you can print out, along with step-by-step instructions on how to use it and a prefilled sample chart. You'll probably want a few copies of the blank chart because it will take at least a cycle or two to figure out your ovulation pattern.
Before ovulation, your BBT probably ranges from 97.2 to about 97.7 degrees Fahrenheit. But two or three days after you ovulate, hormonal changes cause a rise of 0.4 to 1.0 degree in your BBT, which lasts at least until your next period. (You may notice your temperature spiking on other days here and there, but unless it stays up, you probably haven't yet ovulated.) If you become pregnant, your temperature will stay elevated throughout your pregnancy.
Of course, since a BBT chart will only tell you that you've already ovulated, the first month of recording your temperature won't necessarily be very fruitful. But by charting your BBT for a few months, you'll be able to see whether there's a pattern to your cycle, which will enable you to predict ovulation the next time around – and the best days to have sex if you want to get pregnant.
Keep in mind that if you're sick or don't take your temperature immediately after waking up, any pattern that you find may be inaccurate.
In addition to helping you predict the day of ovulation, BBT charts can also shed some light on infertility issues. If certain phases of your cycle are short, you may have a hormonal imbalance, for example.
due to my eagerness of trying to pinpoint when my ovulation will happen, i tried BBT charting, but due to my hectic schedule this past few months, it became so difficult for me to wake up in that specific time to take my bbt.
here is the sample of my last BBT chart.
Im having a hard time knowing when my ovulation happened. but the cycle on this chart is unovulatory one.
Since husband is away, I have atleast 9 months to get my body ready for our upcoming TTC cycle/s again.
for now , i am taking metformin 3x/day, vitamin E 400iu/day and 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (Bragg's) to combat pcos. I am planning to take Royal jelly as my supplement next month.
Apple cider Vinegar for pcos
I get many questions about how to use apple cider vinegar (ACV) to help your PCOS symptoms, so
I thought I’d put together a few tips to help you get the most out of this great natural option for controlling your blood sugar and insulin levels:
First of all, why is apple cider vinegar helpful? When taken before meals it helps to reduce the rise in blood sugar that normally occurs after a meal, thereby reducing the amount of insulin needed. Less insulin means less testosterone, and therefore less acne, hair loss, excess hair, and cycle problems.
- Use unfiltered organic apple cider vinegar preferably. You can buy this from some supermarkets, health stores, or online. ‘Bragg’ and ‘Melrose’ are good brands.
- Always dilute the ACV. Start off with a small dose and gradually build up over a few days. It will take a while to get used to the taste.
- Take before or during meals. Taking on am empty stomach may cause digestive upsets in some people.
- Begin with a ¼ to ½ teaspoon with a little water to get an idea of the taste, and to check its effect on you.
-Aim to increase up to 2 to 4 teaspoons of ACV gradually, in a couple of tablespoons of water. The ratio of ACV to water needs to be at least 1:2, that is; 1 part ACV to 2 parts water. Eg: whatever amount of ACV you use, use double the amount of water or more, eg: 2 tspns ACV to 4 tspns water minimum.
-Severe cases of insulin resistance and obesity may respond well to larger doses, up to 2 tablespoons of ACV in a cup of water, but this amount can be hard to take. For these people, it is best to follow a more paleolithic diet to reduce insulin production.
- ACV capsules are available, but you would need to take large amounts to reach the general dose of 2 teaspoons. They may be useful to start with, to maintain, or to use with the liquid to increase to a higher dose without the taste.
- You will need less ACV if your meal is low in carbohydrates, or has a low glycemic load (GL).
-Remember: ACV should not be used as a treatment on its own. Use it in conjunction with a healthy low GL diet, exercise.
Royal Jelly for Infertility
this is just a sample photo of royal jelly. |
While there are a number of different “superfoods” that have proven to be highly effective at helping with fertility, Royal Jelly is more than likely the reigning King…or Queen of the bunch. This nutrient dense substance is a secretion that comes from glands in young worker bees, and is used to not only create a queen bee for procreation, but is also fed to honey bee larvae to provide them with optimal health and growth.
Royal Jelly is rich in amino acids, lipids, sugars, vitamins, and most importantly, proteins. It contains high levels of vitamins D and E, and also has ample levels of iron and calcium. As all of these are essential to proper health and organ function, it is very easy to see how Royal Jelly can help with in assisting with fertility.
Royal Jelly
Royal Jelly is a substance that is secreted by nurse worker bees glands. The secretion is known as royal jelly and it is the main food source for the first 3 days of the larva. One larva that is to be the Queen Bee is fed only royal jelly its entire life. This exclusive feeding triggers the full development of her ovaries which is needed to lay the millions of eggs she will lay in her lifetime. The Queen matures in 5 days and weighs double that of a worker bee. A worker bee only lives to be 30-45 days old, but the Queen bee lives to be 5 to 6 years old. The queen also lays in one season around 250,000 eggs and in peak season she may lay up to 2000 eggs a day. This may have something to do with the extremely high nutritional content of the Royal Jelly which is this Queen’s exclusive diet.
Royal Jelly is rich in amino acids (29 to be exact), lipids, sugars, some vitamins, fatty acids and most importantly, proteins. It contains ample levels of iron and calcium. Royal Jelly also contains acetylcholine, which is needed to transmit nerve messages from cell to cell. Regular consumption of high-quality Royal Jelly has been shown to help balance hormones. This makes it beneficial to those individuals that suffer from a hormonal imbalance, as it helps to provide support to the endocrine system. It may also help with problems that are related to hormonal imbalance. A study done in Japan and published in 2007 shows that Royal Jelly has the propensity to mimic human estrogen, which may help those that suffer from low estrogen levels. Estrogen is essential for healthy bone formation and healthy gene expression, and is vital for a healthy menstrual cycle. This study also showed potential for increased size of uterine cells in the rats studied. While there may need to be more studies done to show full potential of Royal Jelly consumption on uterine health this is exciting potential for women with weak uterine muscles or thin uterine lining due to long-term hormonal birth control use.
Royal Jelly may be beneficial for the following:
- To increase libido
- Support egg and sperm health
- Diminish and reduce the signs of aging
- To reduce inflammation caused by illness or injury
- To naturally boost the body’s immune system
Making Informed Decisions When Choosing Bee Products
Be sure that you are choosing high quality products from a reputable source. This is very important not only to you, but to the health of the bees. As you may well know bees are rapidly declining and much of this is thought to be linked to environmental pollution. Choose to support organic, free-range, biodynamic farming and bee keeping practices when possible. Your choices make a difference!
Take the time to learn more about bees and how the sustain our food chain, without them we might perish. There are some great documentaries out there on Colony Collapse Disorder, the lives of bees and how they are on the brink of total collapse. Please keep in mind their vital role in our daily lives!
Our Natural Fertility Shop carries a premium choice of Royal Jelly which is pure Royal Jelly freeze dried to maintain quality. We also carry Alive Bee Power which contains a wonderful blend of these 3 bee products as well as some immune boosting herbs. This company has been certified organic since 1995.
Important Caution
It is extremely important to note that if you are allergic to bees or honey you should avoid all bee products. Side affects and reactions can include minor to severe skin irritations, difficulty breathing or even anaphylactic shock. If you begin to develop a reaction to any of these products discontinue use immediately. Do not feed to infants under 1 year of age. Do not use bee products during pregnancy if either side of your family or the father’s family has a history of bee allergy as this may affect the baby.
that's all for now folks. till my next post.
Labels: Chasteberry Fruit. Hormonal Imbalance, PCOS, Tring to Concieve, Vitex Agnus Castus